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    International Women’s Day 2024

    Contributor, Carmen ColladoI is a compliance manager and resides in Southern California. She is also a member of the Women in Ethics & Compliance Global and an advocate for diversity, inclusion, and gender equality. When Carmen is not working, she enjoys traveling and spending time with family and friends. Her Bucket list trip: Ireland!

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    Write For Us!

    WEC Global is seeking guest writers to join our blog community and help us create a valuable library of information and insights that our readers can enjoy, engage with, learn from, and be empowered by.

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    The Sunny Side Of Cultural Shock

    Contributor, Nikki is an executive coach and established talent professional whose career within multinational, FTSE 100, and privately owned organizations has spanned luxury fashion, telecommunications, food retail, and financial services. She holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Cambridge, an MSc in Organizational Behavior, and in 2019 gained her ICF-accredited Practitioner Diploma in Executive Coaching from the AoEC. She is accredited by the British Psychological Society to administer and interpret psychometric assessments. Born in the UAE, brought up in Hong Kong, and has worked in Shanghai for two years, Nikki has the first-hand cross-cultural experience that she’s drawn upon in regional and global roles partnering across APAC, EMEIA and the Americas. She now lives in South London. To find out more about Nikki, please visit her website, Nikki Hill Coaching & Consulting Ltd.


Building Your Personal Brand In Compliance: Top 5 Tips

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Contributor, Sujata Dasgupta is a multiple international award-winning industry leader, and Global Head (Financial Crimes Compliance Advisory) at Tata Consultancy Services Ltd., based in Stockholm, Sweden. She has over 20 years of experience, having worked extensively in the areas of KYC, Sanctions, AML, and Fraud across banking operations, IT services, and consulting. She has had rich global exposure through her work with premier banks in several major financial hubs in 7 countries across US, UK, EU, and Asia. She is an accomplished thought leader, author, columnist, and speaker, and is regularly interviewed by reputed international journals for her analysis and opinions on contemporary topics in this area. You can find Sujata on LinkedIn.

   Every time I interview a professional for placement in my compliance team, the first question I ask is 'Tell me about yourself'. This allows the candidate to speak in an open format, and a chance to present an elevator pitch about himself/herself. But almost every candidate speaks about his/her work experience on all the projects and assignments during their career in a chronological order! Yes, that gives me a summation of their assignments and work experiences, but what is it that differentiates one candidate from another with similar profiles? Does he/she have a USP that describes who he/she is and what he/she can be valued for his/her strengths, interests, capabilities and so on that makes him/her a stronger fit for the role?

In today's world, personal branding has grown extremely significant, both within one's organization as well as externally in the global community. It helps in career progression, gaining visibility, and finding new opportunities in employment or business. As I groom Compliance professionals in the art of self-branding, here are my top 5 tips on how you can build yours:

Decide on your personal brand - I have been working in banking compliance for over 2 decades now, and early in my career my goal was to rise the corporate ladder, just like anyone else. But after spending 15 years in the industry, my mindset changed from career growth to finding a purpose and adding value through my work. That is when I decided to focus on my niche - financial crimes compliance - and work in this area both internally (within my organization) and externally (in the global community). I can see now that my brand has developed as an industry leader in this very space! Ethics and compliance is a very broad and deep domain, so it helps if you narrow down to your own area of expertise or interest/aspiration, aligning with what you wish to accomplish professionally, and working on developing your brand in that focus area.

Stand out through your profile - Whether it is your job resume or social media profile, create your own USP that differentiates you from your peers and positions you in a premium bracket. In the digital world, we live in now, a curated social media presence aligning with your chosen focus area consistently across multiple platforms can reinforce your brand. Your introductions and activities in all these profiles must speak about your area of expertise/passion, specific work you have done in this field, certifications, and publications. I generally suggest a 100-word headline in a resume that doubles up as your elevator pitch and sets the perception about your brand.

Build a Compliance Network - 'A man is known by the company he keeps' is an age-old proverb. If you are interested in anti-bribery investigation, for example, network with professionals in anti-bribery & corruption (ABC), join related compliance groups and forums, attend events on this subject (most webinars are complimentary), and follow ABC leaders and industry influencers. Asking questions, sharing ideas, or just being visible in ABC circles will not only strengthen your knowledge and resources in this area but also build your credibility as an ABC professional/expert. Women in Ethics & Compliance is one such forum that has a galaxy of compliance professionals as well as aspirants - undoubtedly a great platform to share ideas and grow as a compliance expert!

Thought Leadership - Compliance is a very dynamic area with rapid changes in Regulations, technology, operating models, and so on. Sharing your point of view, e.g. publishing an analysis of a new Regulation, posting your opinion on a news report that can have an impact on compliance, talking about an industry challenge and what model/innovative process or tool can resolve it, and so on within your compliance community networks can elevate your brand as an original thinker and thought leader. I consciously practice this through my dedicated Compliance column in 'Corporate Compliance Insights, articles in reputed journals and social media posts, which brought me a lot of visibility and led to my speaking engagements in global compliance conferences.

Mentor aspiring compliance professionals - Compliance is an area that has assumed immense significance, and the role of compliance professionals has grown to be a very niche one, which is in high demand but has low supply. Enabling our current and future workforce, mentoring and skilling them in this impactful role can strongly enhance one's brand. I have been actively mentoring aspiring professionals and university students interested in a career in compliance, e.g. through sessions with students of IE University (Madrid), to current and aspiring AML professionals in TCAE (Toronto Compliance & AML Events), in addition to running an FCC forum within my organization. This has not only increased my follower base, but also reinforced my brand as an FCC leader.

Building one's brand takes time and conscious effort, but I can vouch for the fact that it is worth it! It is not enough to know your business, it is equally important to let the world know precisely what value you bring, and what are your unique strengths/traits that make you stronger than your peers - that is what sets you apart and makes you a recognized leader in your field! With Ethics & Compliance being among the top agenda of CXOs across industries today, the time is right for Compliance professionals to build their personal brand in this space - this is certainly one step to propel your business/career!

What is one piece of advice you would give to your younger self?

There was a period in my career when I refused travel-based work assignments, to focus on my personal life in my home country, India. But in my career of over 2 decades, I have learned - and would advise my younger self, that every opportunity life gives must be taken up, whether personal or professional. One need not be paused to focus on the other, as every experience enriches us in ways we can never fathom!

If you had to choose an alternative career, what would you be doing now?

I have always been interested in academics and wanted to teach in a University or Management School as a career when I was growing up. I have had a long, successful corporate stint, but Academics is my passion!

If you were to sit and reflect at the end of your career, what one hope do you have?

I hope to have made a difference, howsoever small, that has helped human lives and society through my efforts in fighting financial crimes, contributing to the industry/community by spreading awareness, new ideas, and innovations and mentoring the next generation in this global combat!